We do not intend for donations to be burdensome for you. Even if it is a small sum of money, we ask that you divvy up into monthly contributions so we know we have a donor we can rely on. A monthly donation worth as little as a cup of café coffee will make us eternally grateful to you. We hope to do much more than what you see on this website, and every dollar or a rupee you donate will help further our cause.
We prefer taking donations in Indian currency due to various logistical challenges. If interested to fund wholly or partially, please wire money to:
Bank Name: HDFC Bank, Gudivada Branch
Account Name: Manaloni Manishi Society
IFSC Code: HDFC0001986
Account No: 59199160677289
India: +91 91606 77289
Email: admin@manalonimanishi.org
Note: Please indicate that you are donating to the ‘MMF Society‘ so it will help us identify and update the current donation status on our website. Please note that it might take a few days to update our site after your donation succeeded.